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Wish Card Maker is a program made with flask,👨🏻‍💻wich allows you to create your personal wishcard,it contains:

About the project

-Image (Snowman + cristmas tree)

-Music (“All i want for cristmas”,no right reserved)

-Animation (I created my own animation,and i took the snowflake animation from, and modified it a bit)

-Confetti (Confetti taken from the confetti.js plugin 🎉 see more here –>

This code is OpenSource, feel free to use it (apart from if you are a member of my class trying to finish your final task at the last time 😂😂😂) This code was made for my NSI final task !

The site will be temporarily accessible at –>

So you will be able to send your wishcard, by copying the URL and send it to someone.

You might be questioning,why GETmethod ? Bcause when the website will be up,you’ll be able to send your wishcard directly with the URL !

How it works

There are 2 way to use this wishcard maker:

Go on the website

You can go on the website wich is: you will be able to send your wishcard !


Or either you can upload this code in Visual Studio Code,by using the command:

git clone

Then,open a new terminal, and put the command:


And go on your localhost:5000,and your all set !

Content of the project

In this project you will find diffferent files,the mains are:

-1 .py( for the flask app)

-2 .html (index.html and resultat.html)

-2 .css (style.css and style2.css)

-2 .js (code.js and code2.js)

For non commercial purpose only ©Arty